• Sankar Nagar, Mattoor, Kalady P.O.,
    Ernakulam - 683 574
  • Email info@ssc.edu.in
  • Contact0484-2462341

Programmes Offered by Sree Sankara College, Kalady

Sree Sankara College is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. The Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Programmes follows the syllabus and curriculum designed by the respective Board of Studies of the University. The syllabus and curriculum for Diploma and Certificate Programmes are desugned by the respective departments based on NSQF guidelines and in consultation with industry partners. Add-On courses are conducted by most of the departments and are designed by the course coordinator in consultation with the industry/academic partners involved. 


The Various Programmes offered are:

UG Programmes

PG Programmes

PhD Programmes

Skill Based Programmes